How to Bulk Resize Images
resizing image.. really.. who doesn’t know how to resize an image.. do you really need to write an article about that. well yeah. have you ever come a cross editing or uploading a lot of images that you have or a client sent and they are too big. off course you can resize and compress them individually but this wont save you time .. at all. so here is how to bulk resize them for good 🙂
Once i received tons of products data that needs to be uploaded to a website and guess what, they where way very big with a very high resolution and i remember that the size was more than 25 MB each. well i cant upload them this way and yeah there is some tools that will resize them after the uploading process and that wasn’t practical so i searched the web and came across the easiest way to do it. i used a Bulk Image Resizer.

Image Resizer for Windows
Image Resizer for Windows is easy to use and powerful software. It is very small in size (901 kb) & absolutely FREE.
Further, you can use it for a single image resize, or resize multiple images in few seconds directly from your windows explorer.
This software support most of the common image formats i.e. JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, ICO, TIF, TIFF WDP, etc.
The only thing which requires to make it work is .NET Framework 3.0/4.5 or later on your machine.
How to use Image Resizer for Windows to Resize Images: Step by Step Guide
- Download the tool from here or here and install it.
- Now, restart your machine.
- Next, go to your image folder and select single or multiple images with the use of Shift or Ctrl Key.
- Right Click on the selected file(s) and you’ll find an option named Resize pictures. As shown n the picture below.
- Hit the Resize picture button and another window will open to select image size & other options.
- Click on the Resize button and you are done. It’ll take a few seconds to convert your files depending upon the size and number of images.
- Your resize images will save automatically in the same folder.

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